Professional Audio Laboratories, Inc.
Paul Ginsberg is widely accepted as the most qualified and renowned expert in the field of tape-recorded evidence. With Bachelors and Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and 33 years experience, Mr. Ginsberg has participated in well over 1,700 trials and has testified on over 170 occasions in 27 federal districts as well as in Canada. Mr. Ginsberg has TOP SECRET clearance and was the sole tape expert in the Branch Davidian trial at Waco, as well as in the World Trade Bombing Case II. More recently he digitally enhanced the Texaco tapes, and was retained by the U.S. Senate to examine the White House "coffee" tapes for authenticity......Mr. Ginsberg has been profiled in numerous publications, and has appeared on C.N.N. and various news talk shows. He has participated in seminars sponsored by M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratories and Bell Telephone Laboratories in the area of enhancement of electronic signals, and was invited to lecture to federal technical law enforcement agents about how to best use electronic surveillance and successfully gather tape-recorded evidence at the national meeting of N.A.T.I.A. (National Technical Investigators Association).
Engineered to eliminate the problems of vandalism, theft, and equipment failure (all of which are common to visiting areas), this modern visitor equipment will work to free your staff of costly, time-consuming maintenance tasks. Perhaps more important, however, by providing problem-free communications, these high-quality instruments will eliminate a potential source of inmate discontent. In New York City a malfunctioning visitor communications system was cited as a contributing cause of inmate unrest.
The quality of the Model 100 is far superior to the familiar consumer telephone. Moreover, armored cable identical to that found in outdoor police call boxes, is used to secure the handsets to the partition. And, to prevent vandalism and contraband passage, the element caps are sealed using Epoxy. (Handsets can be factory-serviced if necessary) In addition to being tamper-resistant, the Model 100 System is now fully hearing-aid compatible. And, no batteries are required. A 20-booth installation requires as much electricity as a night light.
This is the same system sold by Southern Steel Company, Motorola, Johnson Controls and numerous contractors throughout the United States and Canada. Now this system is available directly to you at factory prices.
Prior to releasing this product to the corrections community, extensive tests were performed at several institutions. In New York City at the Manhattan House of Detention (the Tombs) after years of operation not a single replacement was necessary. Since then, the Model 100 has been installed in Federal, state, and municipal institutions from coast to coast, as well as in Canada.
The Model 100 Inmate-Visitor System was designed to be easily installed in existing institutions by your personnel using our easy step-by-step installation guide. If you are planning a new visiting facility, or modernizing an existing visiting area, whether it has one booth, or hundreds of booths, please call with your requirements.
Engineered to eliminate the problems of vandalism, theft, and equipment failure (all of which are common to visiting areas), this modern visitor equipment will work to free your staff of costly, time-consuming maintenance tasks. Perhaps more important, however, by providing problem-free communications, these high-quality instruments will eliminate a potential source of inmate discontent. In New York City a malfunctioning visitor communications system was cited as a contributing cause of inmate unrest.
The quality of the Model 100 is far superior to the familiar consumer telephone. Moreover, armored cable identical to that found in outdoor police call boxes, is used to secure the handsets to the partition. And, to prevent vandalism and contraband passage, the element caps are sealed using Epoxy. (Handsets can be factory-serviced if necessary) In addition to being tamper-resistant, the Model 100 System is now fully hearing-aid compatible. And, no batteries are required. A 20-booth installation requires as much electricity as a night light.
This is the same system sold by Southern Steel Company, Motorola, Johnson Controls and numerous contractors throughout the United States and Canada. Now this system is available directly to you at factory prices.
Prior to releasing this product to the corrections community, extensive tests were performed at several institutions. In New York City at the Manhattan House of Detention (the Tombs) after years of operation not a single replacement was necessary. Since then, the Model 100 has been installed in Federal, state, and municipal institutions from coast to coast, as well as in Canada.
The Model 100 Inmate-Visitor System was designed to be easily installed in existing institutions by your personnel using our easy step-by-step installation guide. If you are planning a new visiting facility, or modernizing an existing visiting area, whether it has one booth, or hundreds of booths, please call with your requirements.